Friday, November 6, 2009

the outline for research paper.

topic: the economical analysis and condition of Botswana and Azerbaijan

1. the economical overview of Botswana and Azerbaijan.
a. introduction of some basic index of economy, such as GDP, GDP growth rate.
b. Azerbaijan has unbelivebal GDP growth rates since 1999. it has the highest growth rate in the world during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007.
c. Botswana also has high GDP growth rate, about 5-7%.

2. the composition of total economy and what it leads to.
a. introduction of composition of GDP and how it affects the economy.
b. Azerbaijan has fews factor in its economy. the most important factor is natural resources and it benefits the export and increase the total wealth. however, only part of the population gains.
c. the two large compositions of Botswana are natural resource, which is maily caused by the affluence of diamond, and service. this is better than the condition in Azerbaijan, but there are still many troubles, such as poverty among some part of population and inequality.

3. the distribution of economy.
a. introduction of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors and their influence.
b. Azerbaijan focus on primary sector. it's easy to get growed in short-run, but it would be obstacle for further grow.
c. Botswana has 50% on primary and 50% on tertiary. even though it has great potential to make higher growth in long-run, it is not possible to grow due to lack of facilities.

4. human factor of these two countries.
a. some index with human factors, such as life expectancy, mortal rate and unemployment rate.
b. Azerbaijan has normal index in its area. it does not perform so well, but it's ok
c. the life expectancy is extremely low, because HIV is prevailing in Botswana. Also, the medical system does not work well, even the government have several attempts.

5. the conclusion of economical conditions in Azerbaijan and Botswana and suggestion for future growth

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